Wednesday 29 September 2010

Computer Games

Personal computers themselves provide us with entertainment of a sort, but when you add a real computer game to the mix, you get entertainment at its best!

A computer game is a game that is played on a personal computer rather than on a game console or on an arcade machine. Early computer games, like early personal computers, were awkward and not very sophisticated. That's changed — a lot!

In a sense, success almost destroyed the computer game industry before it had a chance to even get going. By 1980 the market was overrun with poor-quality computer games. Overproduction of high-profile game releases also contributed to the problem. By 1983 the computer game industry was said to be "in the toilet." Many companies went bankrupt, while others just folded their tents and slipped away into the night. Times were TOUGH!

Of course, all of the computer game companies didn't fold. The big guys weathered the storm. They battened down the hatches and rode it out. They posted large losses over several years, but they survived.

Astounding advancements in personal computer technology and capability breathed new life into the computer game industry.

Personal computer games are delivered to the public generally in one of two ways — physical delivery and online delivery.

Personal computer games that are delivered as physical products come most often in the form of DVDs. The user buys the game and downloads it from the DVD to his computer.

When a computer game is delivered online, the user downloads the game directly from the game website to his own personal computer. Online multiplayer games have gained popularity as more and more users are acquiring high-speed Internet connections. Broadband connections prevent game "lag" on multiplayer online computer games.

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